Kick Off your Online Marketing Campaign with Top Trends in Mind

. Thursday, January 9, 2014

2013, the previous year will be known best as the year in which businesses began nuzzling different tactics for online marketing in a big way. It will also be recognized as a year of the biggest social media transformations: Google and Facebook’s algorithm updates, Twitter’s IPO declaration, and this list goes on. This trend of distracting the online marketing pitch will continue into 2014 & beyond. Here is listed a roundup of what will be in vogue in 2014 for online marketing company.

Content is King & will Remain King in 2014 : It has been reported in a survey that 78% of CMO’s suppose that content in going to be a key player in future of marketing. Most marketing companies have clinched as well as accepted content as a major resource in their efforts. Together with this, there has been an invasion of content discovery apps that are backed on the growth module. If you’re not dedicating your budget towards content development, you may get late and it’s best time to do so.

Online Marketing Company

Video Marketing- A Growing Trend : It goes without confusion that videos have caliber to convey a message to wider base of audiences ten times faster than the plain text. The popularity of Gangnam Style video on YouTube last year was proof that great video content has the potential of turning out overnight viral success. Also, with latest apps like Snapchat, Instagram and Vine, videos are being created, viewed as well as shared on portable devices like mobiles and tablets. Facebook, the most popular networking site has also initiated & enhanced their mobile ad platform. Coupled with the mobile potential, we proclaim that video marketing is going to boom more in 2014.

Social Media Diversification : Previous year has been the year recognized best for social media growth. The same is going to be continued in upcoming year. About 93% of marketers already believe that the use of social media will help them reap long term benefits. In 2013 there was a huge surge in popularity of latest networks like Pinterest, Instagram and Vine that have turned out to be a part of day to day life. These networking platforms are carving a sole niche for themselves that means that companies will continue to use various platforms to build their brands & get in touch with customers.

So these trends are going to be popular this year. Keep an eye on changing trend and add a significant surge in your company’s popularity with effective marketing strategy comprising these trends.